Trust yourself

Trust yourself ♥️
The wisdom that lies within you
is showing you the way.
Tap into your eternal soul that knows
all that has been, and all that will be.
You know the truth within that
speaks in whispers.
Trust this divine voice that is
leading your life now.
Trust in yourself, in the beating
of your own heart.
It knows the way that the soul must take. Surrender to this inner call and honor the timeless wisdom emanating to touch you, reach you and shake you into being.
Step into your unfolding destiny.
You are meant to become this new vision.
Just listen to the voice of your soul
and become your authentic self.
This journey back to yourself is to lead
you to the life you are destined to live.
-Mariela ♥️

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By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams

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