Continue to rise

Continue to rise.

Within you lies an unparalleled
force guiding your life.
The part of you connected
to the divine source.
Become the highest version of yourself.
Reject the notion that you have no power,
no voice, or no choice.
Your very existence was created out of
this divine intelligence and brought forth
a powerful force into this universe-
a catalyst of change.
Your very presence in this world
is to transmute the whole with your light,
when you step into your power.
Walk through the holy fire, for death is
new life.
Listen to the truth within you.
You’ve had this power all along.
Understand your place as a whole,
intertwined with the collective, you are
of utmost importance to this divine mission.
Ignite the light within you, step
into this truth and allow yourself to
become who you were always meant to be.
The fire in your heart is leading your way.

-Mariela ♥️

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divinechannel #synchronicities #trusttheuniverse #spreadlove #angelguides #twinflame #theuniverse #5d #divineunion #love #lightlanguage #highfrequency #divinefeminine

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams

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